opee市场周报】虾皮菲律宾站20|AWS是什么?有哪些产品?bulk|opee市场周报】虾皮菲律宾站20|如何推广新品smm pane


封禁并卖家需要删除。这些产品的例子包括名牌豪华品牌如Gucci, LV, Nike, Michael Kors, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Champion, Coach, Air Jordan等。一旦发现,相关的产品将被永久封禁并要求卖家删除。

CB sellers are not allowed to upload and must remove counterfeit items and sex toys that are considered high-value, including brands like Gucci, LV, Nike, Michael Kors, Yves Saint Laurent, Chanel, Champion, Coach, and Air Jordan. In case these items are discovered, relevant products such as buy-ins, hosts, and followers on platforms like Instagram and Soundcloud will be affected.

Suspend-Delete Listing 根据菲律宾当地的政策,销售移动信号增强器和对讲机需要相关证书。 假如没有提供相关证书,相关产品将被: 1st: 停止销售(无处罚) 2nd: 删除产品(相应处罚)


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