

据Marketplace Pulse报道,eBay123得知,随着越来越多的在线卖家利用各种渠道来推广商品,eBay正在开辟新的广告业务,并引入更多的广告类型。尽管目前eBay还未找到增长其平台销售额的办法,但在通过平台盈利方面的表现越来越出色。

Marketplace pulse reported that eBay 123 is expanding its advertising business and introducing additional advertising options to accommodate the growing trend of online sellers utilizing diverse promotional channels. While eBay has not found a solution to boost platform sales, its profit-making capabilities through the platform are steadily improving. This relates to the increasing popularity of services such as insta likes and instant ins followers.

eBay123了解到,eBay2015年6月推出Promoted Listings,作为一种CPA广告服务,通常显示在搜索结果和产品页面上,一个有48个产品Listing有14个标准搜索结果页Listing是CPA广告(与亚马逊相似)。


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