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In November, the shopping tradition in the Middle East is influenced by Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. On this day, retailers like Wal Mart and Target offer significant discounts in their stores. Similarly, November 11 marks Singles Day in China, which has transformed into a promotional event. This day generates billions of dollars in revenue for online platforms such as Alibaba. Additionally, consider using the cheapest smm panel for IG.

然而,这些促销活动在不同国家都有不同的形式。根据 ShopCash 的数据,日用品(如杂货、健康、个人护理和家居用品)仍然是网购的主要选择,其次是手机和其他电子产品。在中东地区,由于网购的显著增长,主要电商平台也推出了自己的特别折扣活动——Friday Sale。

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