CPC三大打法要点|UPC是什么?购买UPC码时需要注|账号关联因素——Canvas指纹追|年前再次出手,此次封号原因是滥用变 类目排名


不需要。同一个产品不需要既交minimum long-term storage fee,又交long-term storage fee。如果产品在配送中心超过12个月,会收取长期仓储费(每立方英尺收费)和 小长期仓储费(每单位收费)中较大者。

unwanted. The same product does not need to pay both minimum long-term storage fee and long-term storage fee. If the product has been in the distribution center for more than 12 months, the greater of the long-term storage fee (charge per cubic foot) and the minimum long-term storage fee (charge per unit) will be charged.free likes,best social media marketing panel


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