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Mahogany furniture is produced by hand, using a complex manufacturing process that involves many steps from wood to finished product. This is different from mechanized assembly line production and requires a longer cycle. While part of the process has been automated for tasks like wood cutting and tenoning, the majority of the production still relies on manual labor. To begin production, logs are sawed into plates with various thicknesses using a band saw. The plates are then sorted and placed into a drying kiln for approximately 10 to 40 days until the moisture content is between 8% and 12%. Although many manufacturers have improved their drying methods, ensuring that this process lasts at least 10 days is crucial for high-quality mahogany furniture.


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小心购买低价红木家具!以防购买到掺水泥、铁棍或铅块的伪劣产品。一场大火揭示了真相!cheap ins followers

十多年前,北京的玉泉营家具城发生了一起大火,影响到了红木家具,并且使得一些红木家具的本质也暴露出来。有传闻说有些家具烧出了铁棍,也有些家具烧出了水泥板。据说有一张桌子,其桌面居然是水泥板,水泥板外面包了一层红木,红木被烧毁后,水泥板就露了出来。至于铁棍的来源无从得知,其功能与水泥板相同。 …
