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However, the application for trademark registration is highly professional. If there is a slight error, the trademark will be rejected. Among them, "adverse effect" is the reason for the half-way loss of many trademark applications. In this article, gaowo Xiaozhi will sort out several common "adverse impact situations" for you, hoping that you can avoid these minefields when applying for or using trademarks.IGtalikes free,buy IG followers with paypal

商评委认为申请商标由中文文字“開心禅”构成,其中“禅”字除在“禅让”一词中读作“shàn”外,一般均读作“chán”,为佛教用语或泛指佛教的事物,与“開心”文字组合使用并未使其含义发生实质改变,申请商标指定使用在保健等服务上,易伤害宗教感情,产生不良社会影响,已构成《中 民共和国商标法》第十条 款第(八)项所指的不得作为商标使用之情形。


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