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"Ten thousand volumes of ancient and modern times disappear forever, and a window of twilight sends off fleeting years." In the study career of taking literature as a career and inkstone as a field, the study is not only the starting point for ancient Chinese literati to pursue official career, but also their way back to find themselves. "One hundred rooms are bright" and "thirty thousand shelves are inserted", which are the style of a bibliophile, but not commonly available to readers. If you have a room, no matter how big or small, a desk, a chair, a book, a lamp, a person, and a cup of tea, you will have a place to meditate and settle your mind in daily life, that is, a scholar's study. The study became an indispensable place for the ancient literati to cheap IG followers

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 “芸窗”、“芸馆”、“萤窗”、“雪窗” 是书房的别名。“芸窗”和“芸馆”缘于古人藏书用以驱虫的香料——芸。“萤窗”、“雪窗”典出车胤囊萤、孙康映雪的求学励志故事。别名虽然别致,也只是在诗文中偶用,因为书房(书斋)的“书”是最雅致大方的。

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In Shuowen Jiezi, it is said that the study is clean, that is, the study has the meaning of purity and elegance. The ancients felt that when they entered the study, they could calm their mind and cultivate their spirit as if they were fasting. Compared with the publicity of foreigners, the study of Chinese people is restrained. In addition to the simple furnishings, many scholars even built it in the mountains, forests and waterfront, or hidden in the countryside to enjoy the world cheap IG followers

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