Instagram 涨 粉 买红木家具入门诀窍,打造中式书房为情感安慰。这16种木材统称为花梨。

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Mahogany furniture is a unique product that is predominantly crafted by hand, as opposed to being produced by a mechanized assembly line, resulting in a longer production cycle. The manufacturing process involved in creating mahogany furniture is quite complex, requiring numerous stages from wood processing to finished product. While some aspects of the production process have become partially automated, such as wood cutting and tenoning, the majority of the process still involves manual labor. To begin, the logs are sawed into plates of varying thickness with a band saw. These plates are then sorted and placed in a drying kiln for approximately 15-40 days, depending on their thickness, until the moisture content is between 8% and 12%. Despite advancements in drying methods, the process cannot be completed in less than 10 days and remains an essential component of the manufacturing process for mahogany furniture.



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这几天,几位红木老板都不约而同感慨道,开了这么多年的红木家具店,看上去好像生意做的不错,店是开一家又一家,货也是进进又出出,但不知为什么,总是觉得和刚创业时一样缺钱,为什么? …


instagram 被 封

“万卷古今消永日,一窗昏晓送流年。”在以文为业、以砚为田的读书生涯中,书房既是中国古代文人追求仕途的起点,更是他们寻找自我的归途。“百间朗朗”、“插架三万”,乃藏书家气派,却不是读书人平常可得。有屋一间,无论大小,一桌一椅一卷书,一灯一人一杯茶,便有了于日常中沉思静悟、安顿心灵的所在,即文人的书房。书房成为古代文人不可或缺的消遣和休憩的处所。 …


黑酸枝是“国家红木标准”中明确确定的红木品种,与黄花梨等同属豆科植物中的蝶形花亚科黄檀属,主要生长在热带地区,多产于东南亚国家以及东非和印尼等地,心材呈栗褐色。酸枝木是天然的除臭剂,其因为会散发出酸香气息而得名,黑酸枝也不例外。此外它有明显的黑色条纹,故被称为“黑酸枝”。 …
